006 - Tabletop

You may already be familiar with the new YouTube channel "Geek and Sundry" which launched last week. Put together in the main by Felicia Day, it will play host to a variety of regular web-shows, one of which is Tabletop.

Hosted by Wil Wheaton (of Star Trek TNG, Stand by Me and Big Bang Theory fame), the 30 minute show gathers a few geek-culture "celebs" to play a different board game each week, and films the ensuing fun alongside explanations of the action.

In the inaugural episode this week, Tabletop demos the game Small World for Grant Imahara, Sean Plott and Jenna Busch.

I very much enjoyed watching this, and despite never having played Small World before, I now feel like I have a pretty good grasp of the rules and am itching to try it out with someone. My local games group has been known to play from time to time so I may try and get in on the action, or perhaps invest in my own copy if it looks like I could gather a group of players.

Tabletop goes through the game turn by turn, explaining the rules as things progress much in the same way as a person running a demo game would. The production values are off the scale, and Wheaton is a lively host that brings enthusiasm and fun to the table.

The next episode will feature Settlers of Catan, another game I've never played but heard good things about. If they keep the quality as high as episode 1, I'll be watching regularly.

In related news, I've just finished off Season 2 of The Guild. I know I know, late to the party and all that, but I've blitzed the first two seasons and am catching up fast. I'm hoping that Zaboo tones down the annoying as things progress as he's a very irritating character thus far, but other than that I can't fault it. I'm becoming a big fan of Felicia Day and her work, after only being vaguely aware of her up until recently.

I'll be checking out the other Geek and Sundry shows when I get chance.