So then, here I am starting the New Year with a New Blog!
I've been writing sporadically on my hobby focussed blog Musings of a Malifaux Noob through 2011, and at times I've had the urge to write something that isn't "on-topic" there. This place will be the home to musings on everything that isn't connected to that hobby. Appearently there's quite a few other things out there to talk about. Who knew?
I have no expectations that this new blog will have the volume of web traffic as my first one, as this one won't have any specific targetted readership and I won't be linking to it on forums and websites, but hopefully it will be successful in other ways, namely getting me to write a bit more often, and about more varied topics.
As you may have gleaned from the title though, and as you will not find surprising if you happen to know me at all in person, there will still be definite lean towards the geekier side of life.
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